Sharing the Ladder love this Valentine’s Day

Ladder loves helping people look out for their loved ones. It’s the whole reason we offer smart life insurance.  Our goal is to help more people protect those they love, so they can enjoy the peace of mind that having life insurance can bring. According to research from LIMRA,19 million Americans get “stuck” trying to figure out life insurance each year.* We are here to fix that. And it’s why we spend each and every day trying to make life insurance easier. But you don’t have to take our word for it. Ladder customers have been sharing how much they love our quick and easy process: Each of these people was able to get coverage in place quickly to ensure those they love will be taken care of and live good lives. So, today, we want to thank, Buck, Melody, Eric — and all of our Ladder customers for showing us some love.   We’re excited for even more families to learn about Ladder so they can live each day knowing their families will have the best life possible. If you know others who have been wanting to check life insurance off their list, please send them our way. We’d be glad to help them. With love, The Ladder Team   *LIMRA Fact Sheet 2016

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Tags: life insurancelovevalentines